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recent paintings and news

Friday, February 7, 2014

artist residency, Shetland, Scotland

I am thrilled to announce that Wasps studios has awarded me a residency and it is with great enthusiasm to say that I will be living and making art at The Booth in Scalloway, Shetland for a month!

After twice travelling to Scotland (Wester Ross & Skye) I found the experiences to be profound and haunting, imprinting  a deep resonance long after my return to Canada. Unfortunately I was unable to spend time making art on these visits. The idea of returning to Scotland and spending  a sustained amount of time immersed in my arts practice has come to fruition.

I am eager to explore Shetland- a new land and culture so removed from my own!



  1. Wow Jan how fantastic and Shetland too which is a wonderful island, no trees! maybe you will find one and paint it! can't wait to see the paintings, and am wondering if you will have a blog page just for this residency.

  2. Congratulations! Take lots of photos so we call can enjoy vicariously!!

  3. What?? no trees??oh nnooo-I can't go!-lol-actually Caroline I have wanted to visit Shetland since i was a wee girl-although then it was only because of the ponies!
    i am going with an open mind re work, although intend to explore my land mark series and also Shetland's fibre history etc-who knows? I have a whole year to plan as the waiting list is that long-! More time to save some funds - along with the pound being double to our Canadian dollar, I am also assuming island living will be a little more pricey.

    thanks Rhonda and yes, will document-BTW really like the lovebirds in your recent post!

    Martine thank you for stopping by-took a peek at your work-so lively and free!
