Although the current weather begs to differ, murmurations I am seeing on daily walks tell a more optimistic story of what is to come.
The three images in this new encaustic work feature young starlings that
were perched in the trees outside my window.
I am enthralled with the dialogue
that birds have with one another-whether with gesture and flight or verbal. These
two seemed to be showing off and chattered and scolded incessantly-perhaps they
were courting.
I am still salvaging and painting on surfaces from my
surroundings rather than purchasing anything new.
Although I have been working
on top of failed paintings, this image was rendered on a panel I had made for a
show some time ago but never used. I have to admit it felt strange to be working
on a ‘clean slate ’!
The dimensions (12x48in) make it difficult to photograph so I have included sections with the full image at the end of this post.
I incorporated powdered aluminum as well as a wee bit of gold
leaf, which doesn’t show in the digital image, but the light moves through the
work nicely with these reflective touches.
Emphasized also is the linear movement, and I enjoyed making the feathery charcoal smudges
Murmur, encaustic etc on panel, 12x48in, 2013, available