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recent paintings and news

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We ARE Nature

'We often forget that We ARE Nature. Nature is not separate from us. So when we say we have lost our connection with Nature, we’ve lost our connection with ourselves.'

I have been revisiting the work of Environmental Artist Andy Goldsworthy.
  • "I find some of my new works disturbing, just as I find nature as a whole disturbing. The landscape is often perceived as pastoral, pretty, beautiful – something to be enjoyed as a backdrop to your weekend before going back to the nitty-gritty of urban life. But anybody who works the land knows it's not like that. Nature can be harsh – difficult and brutal, as well as beautiful. You couldn't walk five minutes from here without coming across something that is dead or decaying." 

 "One of the beauties of art is that it reflects an artist's entire life. What I've learned over the past 30 years is really beginning to inform what I make. I hope that process continues until I die." 

*keep reading for video


  1. I have always found Andy Goldsworthy a serious and fascinating artist. He made sculptures on a beach with stuff he found lying around, photographed it and then when the tide came in it all of course got taken back into the sea. The notion of art being an expression of something and not an "object" and the idea of the process being as, if not more, important than the output. I love that idea. Thanks for reminding me of him Jan.

  2. Andy Goldsworthy is a master of land art. Richard Schilling, a student of his, Is also good. Coming across their stuff in the wilds would be enchanting! Like your orchards.
